If you are a citizen of Ukraine and legally reside in Poland, you can conduct business in our country. You are bound by the same rules as Polish citizens. Among other things, your obligation is to have a PESEL number. We will help you not only in obtaining it or in relocating your company to Poland, but also in matters related to its development. Firma dla Każdego provides a wide variety of services for entrepreneurs.

Local market analysis and audits

Analysis of the local market and competition allows you to learn about internal and external factors that can affect the development of your business. Based on the market analysis, you can start making key strategic decisions. Audits, on the other hand, are performed so that you know what you should change in your business to make it run more efficiently so that it produces even higher profits.

Assistance in obtaining the necessary documents

If you want to do business in Poland, you often need various types of licenses, permits, certificates, attestations. Obtaining them, even for Polish citizens, is often difficult and complicated. It requires the completion of many formalities. To make it simpler, contact Firma dla Każdego. We will be happy to help you go through this whole procedure without stress and as quickly as possible.

Renting or buying real estate

Another challenge that awaits every entrepreneur who moves their business to Poland is renting or buying real estate. We will help you find the right place for your business. We will also support you in arranging all the necessary formalities.

We know the local market and its specifics very well. This makes us well aware of what you should watch out for when renting or buying a property for your business. We will also help you negotiate a favorable price for renting or buying space for your future office. We encourage you to cooperate with us! We are also happy to answer questions about our services for businesses!